
You’re signed up for one of our seminars! 

To complete your registration, please fill out the following form as soon as possible.  The more we know about you and your needs, the more we can make sure we meet them!

    Name (required)

    Email (required)



    What has you interested in participating in this seminar?

    What investments have you made in your personal development? List some of the books, training, workshops, self-study that you’ve found helpful.

    What are some areas in your life, including work, where you would like to "SHOW UP & BE BRAVE?"

    It would be a success for me if, by the conclusion of the seminar series, I had accomplished _____

    Full participation in all four sessions of the series is required. There will also be homework between sessions. Are you able to honor those commitments? (Homework is personal reflection and writing. You will not be turning in assignments. Prior participants have invested 30 min - 2 hours each week.) Yes/No/Explain

    Please list any food allergies or strong sensitivities.

    Please share anything else you think would be helpful for the seminar leader to know.

    Please prove you're a human by answering this simple math problem: